Try something new!

I tend to scroll through Social Media platforms far too much. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and sometimes Twitter. Twitter really does iritate me as I feel everybody on there feels they are far to cool for any of the other channels. But thats another story.

Nothing really interests me on any of these platforms (apart from family stuff) but this week a friends post seems to have stuck in my mind. 

He's currently off in Australia travelling, working and enjoying everything a young man with no family ties would enjoy. He posted a picture of himself bungee jumping (which doesn't interst me) and he had a great cheesy caption. 'Try something new everyday just so you can feel alive'. Something along those lines anyway.

For weeks I have been saying I should go and get a massage and always think of a reason to say no.  Well today I remebered my friends cheesy quote and thought 'whats the worst that can happen??'

I booked in for a 15 minute massage to try and help the back and neck pain I have been experiencing for years. I felt like a new man walking out of the shop.  So good that I will be booking in again for next month. 

The next challenge for myself is a yoga class! Something else I have been putting off for a long time for no real reason. 


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